Word for Japan   12/1/12

" I'm going to shake Japan more ! 
[then remembered Catherine's word from Scotland about Jesus rising up out of Mt Fuji]
But be not afraid !   I will be a Shield to those who are Mine and who will come to Me. These things must happen to humble the proud in heart.  People take more pride in their own lives than in life in ME. They bow to Buddha, who did not die for them and take great pride in what they can do, rather than what I can do and did. Escalation is happening. Yes, it will grieve your hearts but I told you all this before. Harvest is at HAND ! What I do will defy all logic, especially to the religious ones.
Don't be afraid of their faces. They will give you up in a heart beat !
Run to me. I AM YOUR SAFETY ! I AM your Happiness. I AM your Protector !"

thru Priscilla Van Sutphin