What do you see this night ?
Dec  25th, 2006
via Priscilla Van Sutphin

It’s as if I heard someone asking Star Bright, what do you see this night ?
The answer came…
“I see the world wrapped in darkness and snow falling in distant lands.
I see the people sound asleep, some snoring and some without a peep.
Men seeking to go to war, threatening each other; other things I deplore.
I see hope in the eyes of children from many lands. I see children crying
Because they have no food, no distant plans.  I see children horrified by
Men so cruel, taking off arms, and enlisting them in war school.
I see many who are comfortable and fat, lying in comfortable beds, while many
outside, cold and worn, tarry for a scrap in the dumpster this morn.

While others pampered and comforted lie, parents so caring yet wanting to cry.
For they see the future coming about, and wonder how will it all work out.
I’m trying to give them what I didn’t have you see, while there is yet chance
For life good and free.

Then over here in another land far away, you hear the cries of donkeys as they bray.
You hear the parents crying and forlorn, for life has filled them full of scorn.
Impoverished and angry, they cry in their tears, wanting a break from oppression
And doubt, unto me they make a shout.  I hear the bitter cries, and want to help
them out. 

I look to see if someone exists that will also pray for those who are in doubt.
Where are the voices, crying to ME ?  Ah, there is one, and another who thinks
about all they see.  They see the pain, and starvation and crying. In their hearts
They keep on trying to enlist the help of the ONE they know, can bring relief,
in the desert to make them to know, the King of Kings whose song they sing.
I hear it and I’m pleased for the ones on their knees.

I know so many are weary, but the gold dust on the streets of heaven is stirring,
What is this ? I hear a whirring, the sound of chariots and the sound of bells.
For whom are they tolling, I cannot but tell.  The ONE Who comes to bring in a new era, of triumphant HARVEST and HEALING. The One Who sprinkles and gives life to all those dreaming.  Invasion on earth is coming you see, angels departing to the ones on their knees,  They’re surrounding the remnant and hanging out in trees, just waiting for orders.

To bring life and truth -  Habitation He brings and comfort to those who need Him now.Glory comes down and spills out on the earth, I see the saints full of love and mirth. Joy inexpressible erupts in the temples, laden with love and emboldening the simple. The time of waiting is ending, and the time of JOY is ushered in, then in the soon future 
I also hear the din, of voices so angry, the evil one stirs, upset by all the commotion, and the Great One’s soon return.
Don’t be afraid, for what I do now.  Suddenlies are erupting, you’ll see them & plow. Many have grown weary, but I’ll refresh you now.  Stay in the upper room, fellowship with ME now, then out of that place, I will send you to PLOW in the fields white with harvest and the gardens of delight.  For now I come quickly and to your song  I’ll give DELIGHT !