"Vigilantes At the Gate"
Holy Spirit thru Priscilla Van Sutphin

After I got home, I put on some spray powder 
on my back & torso parts. I was laying on the 
couch when I felt the Lord was saying, ..."The 
pride in the church is pervasive. The skin is 
the outside of the body, the peripheral defense, 
& that is infected. 

The immune system - the gut part is also permeated, not enough teaching, taking in of the Word.  Felt like He's saying. Dearth of teaching of the true word. Truth has fallen in the streets so to speak. Men interpret the Word in a way that suits them, & not Me, He said. 

For years I couldn't read the word as I had, & it was like a parable of how the church has gone. Yes there was witchcraft coming against me, but also the people in the world are absent of seeking the Lord also. 
I would read, but usually Psalms, & or listen to the Word more recently, then able to break through & read, but not as consistently as I want. This morning I cried at reading Psalm 103 which I felt led to recite. I had a hard time reading it for I kept tearing up. Then read Ps 91, as a friend's words went through my head.

5/14/16 4:00 "Vigilante's are at the gate" just came to my mind.
"There are vigilante's inside the gates of My church wanting to take revenge, wanting to settle things their way without seeking Me. Pride has arisen in many, many hearts, saying HOW DARE YOU!  With others it is a Righteous anger, that has hold of them, & they are seeking answers, but the dangerous ones are those who are not seeking, but just want to do things their own way, with their own strategies.

Just as you are having to cover your break-out with oils, so the church that is full of themselves needs the oil of the Holy Spirit to guide them. They need to turn back to prayer & worship, instead of complaining & pride, & self pity. They need to speak the WORD IN FAITH!  

The raging infection in your body cannot be calmed by usual means.  The raging infection in My body also cannot be calmed by usual means. The Yeast has to be attacked from the inside & outside on you, & the same is true in My church. The yeast of the pharisees, is rampant, & they must be confronted verbally from inside, by prophets I send, & from the outside by agents of the enemy that will subdue their arrogance, because they have become immovable & unteachable. 

Though I send prophets, many will not listen to them. Just as in days of old.  When I send My Son, they would not listen, even after He died & rose again. So then terrible consequence came, Jerusalem & Israel, overrun by the Romans. 

I even  told them ahead of time but they wouldn't listen.  Thus it is the same today. Some WILL listen, others will go the way of the world & perish in their own foolishness.

So I will bring the fear of the Lord back into My church again, for the prophets I send this time, will speak, & from that moment they speak, there will be consequence to the words I give them.  Signs & wonders will abound. 
But some will be dismayed at what I do.

Pray that many hearts will turn as I catapult many back into the church at times for releasing My Holy Fear.  As  the Fear of the Lord is loosed, knees will tremble, & people will shake with fear, & stammering speech, but I will have My way, & I will change the face of the church. I will change the hearts of the people to reflect My own heart!"