Unregenerate Hearts
Jan 11th, 2006
Via Priscilla Van Sutphin

Col 3:9-11 AMP    Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old (unregenerate ) self with its evil practices,  10   And have clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self], which is [ever in the process of being] renewed and remolded into [fuller and more perfect knowledge upon] knowledge after the image (the likeness) of Him Who created it. [Gen 1:26.]    11   [In this new creation all distinctions vanish.] There is no room for and there can be neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, [nor difference between nations whether alien] barbarians or Scythians [who are the most savage of all], nor slave or free man; but Christ is all and in all [everything and everywhere, to all men, without distinction of person].

The Lord said;
“ Presumably says the Lord I am in charge of My church, for it was built on the foundation of the Cross of My Son. Will I Who am ALL-MIGHTY, give up on those whose hearts have been unchanged ?  I tell you NO, that I am not hard hearted as you are oh sons and daughters of men !  For the heart that is unchangeable and unregenerate, and wicked there is woe and no hope.  But for the heart of the man or woman who is IN CHRIST, there is always HOPE.  There is always a chance to REPENT.  Apart from MY GRACE, none of you would be walking with Me.  Apart from MY GRACE, none of you would have eyes to see or ears to hear.  It is by grace you are saved, and it is by GRACE you are established and it is by GRACE you grow in love with ME.  You cannot change apart from relationship with ME.

My grace is not limited to only the few, the proud and the ones who think they’ve made it !  My GRACE is for all.  I died FOR ALL.  I ALONE KNOW THE HEARTS OF MEN.  NOTHING IS HIDDEN FROM ME.  I TELL YOU THERE WILL BE A HIGH PRICE TO PAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE PROUD AND COMPARE THEMSELVES TO OTHERS.  I tell you now as a warning, that you MUST HUMBLE YOURSELVES to receive what I am about to give.  It is only in going lower, that you will be lifted higher !   The one who thinks more of himself than others, the one who mocks those who are not perfect yet, and resists putting on the cloak of humility, will find himself
Blown away by the GRACE of My right hand.

I am not skeptical of My ability to change ANYTHING or ANYONE !  Skepticism is not from ME.  Skepticism is a deception and the fruit of an unbelieving heart !  No matter who has hurt you, no matter who has cause you pain.  You will overcome those hurts by

The problem with my church is deeply rooted unbelief.  They don’t believe I can do certain things.  They don’t BELIEVE that I WILL do certain things.  They don’t BELIEVE, some of them, that MY SON IS GOD.  SOME are walking in such unbelief that if I did show up, they would not believe it, nor recognize My work.  They did it just a short time ago.  Whenever I start a NEW THING, there is opposition.  People tend to like sameness.  Man does not love diversity or surprises as much as I do !  There is security for man in knowing how his day will go.  But I am a God Who LOVES SURPRISES.  I am a GOD WHO LOVES MANKIND.  I AM A GOD WHO LOVES MY CHILDREN, as a good father on earth loves his children, so I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE.  For I AM THE FATHER OF ALL !

I see the one who hides his sins behind the walls of his house. I see the one who hides
from intimacy with ME.  I see the one who is driven, and striving, and full of shoulds.
I know what led them in that direction and it is I WHO CAN CHANGE THEM. It is I Who can give them PEACE and REST.  I know well the fruit of shame.  I know well the suffering of this life you lead.  I see everything.  I feel everything you feel.  My Spirit dwells inside you and I know when you laugh, when you cry, when you are tired and weary, and when you are excited and jubilant.  I KNOW YOU.  But MY PEOPLE, many of you do not KNOW ME !  You think you do, but your hearts have strayed far from ME.  You think I am intolerant, impatient and as frustrated as you are !  BUT, I AM NOT as you are. My ways are higher than your ways.  You know that many times, yourselves you have failed me.  Yet I HAVE LOVED YOU ANYWAY.  EVERY DAY there are many who fall away in unbelief because it is in the ranks of the leadership in My church.  Apostate churches are growing but I am the GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE.
In ONE FELL SWOOP, I can change even their hearts to be ashamed of the lies they have believed.

I can do anything.  The BLOOD OF MY SON has paid the price for ALL. I am removing all the ELITISM out of MY CHURCH.  I am REMOVING all the oligarchy and sibling rivalry out of MY CHURCH.  NOTE it is MY CHURCH.  I AM IN CHARGE.  I WILL HAVE MY WAY with you oh bride of Christ !  I will have a humble people.  Watch Me and see if I am not bigger than you imagine !  For I will SHOCK MANY into submission in the days ahead.  They will have trouble believing their eyes.  The WORLD is in for major changes this year.  ARE YOU READY to be changed ? ARE YOU WANTING TO BE CHANGED ?  THE RIVER WILL FLOW of MY LOVE, and nothing will stop it !!!  Humble yourselves before MY My beloveds, for I am coming to bring about a great change…and to unfold MYSTERIES. I WILL SHAKE YOU FREE FROM YOUR UNBELIEF ! Still many will be adamantly opposed to change, even when they see startling miracles.  So do not be afraid, nor dismayed nor discouraged by their resistance.  LOVE IS THE GREATEST !

My LOVE will drive out all fear.  My LOVE will heal and deliver from bondages !  My LOVE will destroy the roots of doubt and skepticism and unbelief for all who will receive of ME.  MY LOVE is the greatest mystery of all !  Stand tall, though the mountains fall, though the earth shakes, though it coughs up fire.  Stand tall even when men are angry and hateful towards you, for it is ME in you that they hate the most.  PERSECUTION is coming on this wave, and I don’t want you in fear.  I have been calling you to the bedroom of INTIMACY with ME, so that you can be filled up with love so much, that NOTHING will cause you to fear. NOTHING will cause you to move away from My purposes. Nothing will cause you to abandon intimacy with ME. ”