Glossary of Symbolism
for the book of SONGS of SOLOMON
[note that symbolism here is not always consistent with symbolism in your dreams
this is not a full listing but more specific to Songs ]
Abdomen the place of God's throne
Achor Trouble
Alabaster vial soul of the believer
Amana integrity and truth
Apple tree Jesus in the fullness of His love
Arm Strength ( Prov 31:17, Gen 49:24, Isa 51:9 )
Armory- a storehouse for weapons
Awesome a mixed feeling of reverence, fear and wonder, caused by
something majestic and sublime and having the power to inspire
intense fear
Baali my master
Banner friendship, victory
Barefeet signifies a slave in the presence of his master: also sensitivity
to the Spirit of God, also in dreams can represent exposure of your
Bath rabbim daughter of many
Beauty holiness
Bed a place of spiritual rest
Belly the spirit of the believer
Beryl Located in the 4th row in the breastplate of the High Priest and the
tenth stone, the 8th stone in the Holy city ( 4-completion of the New
creation, 10=fullness of testing, 8= resurrection ) thus signifying that
through the fullness of testing the New Creation will be completed
and will bring forth the resurrection. It is green in color signifying
eternal, never-ending resurrection life.
Bether separation
Blackness of his locks God's hiding place where He separates and hides
Himself in His terrible holiness from the eyes of man (Ex 19:20-21,
Ps 18:9-12 )
Blue the presence of the revealed God, the anointing
Breasts, or breastplate the inward qualities of faith and LOVE,
righteousness and judgment, revelation and perfection; the balance
of the two (Ex 28:30, Num 27:21); also the ability to feed others as
He has loved us.
Breath that which makes man a living being (Gen 2:7) Conners says the
symbol of active life.
Brother those who do God's will ( Matt 12:48-50 )
Bronze symbol of judgment, also strength
Burnt offering a fellowship offering signifying the entire surrender of the
individual unto God this was a free-will offering
Carmel The mountain where Elijah's mighty prayers were heard and
answered by fire, signifying the ability and power to bring wayward
people back to God.
Cast metal sea basin in Solomon's temple where the priests washed their
hands before entering the Holy place.
Cedar a type of the saints, the righteous man ( Ps 92:12-15) Conner says
power, majesty, beauty, royalty.
Cleft rock the crucifixion of Jesus ( John 19:33-34, Ex 17:6)
Chariot a vehicle for swift movement in the earth, the prophetic anointing;
[ Priscilla.also trust in our own creation, our ways some trust in
horses, some in chariotsbut we will trust in the name of the Lord.]
Cheeks humility and obedience
Cinnamon and the finest spices represent a place / Conner says cinnamon
Represents fragranceeach spice has their own meaning. Ie: myrrh is
a symbol of suffering and fragrance. Cinnamon by the way is sweet
tasting, yet hot in high amountsand kills certain bacteriais good
for bladder infections or against e-coli. The idea beingHe is our
Fragrant Oneand His spice in usmakes us invulnerable to the
Crown, priestly - judgment, ability to judge righteous judgment
Crystal clear, transparent, pure, the renewed mind
Cypress Tree a funeral tree, found commonly growing in the graveyards of
Judea.signifies death
Dance a victory over the enemy, expression of joy and rejoicing ( Ex 15:19-
21, 1 Sam 18:6-7, Jeremiah 31:4 )
Damascus Oldest city in the East which is noted for the natural highway
from east to west; it is this great highway which is important here.
Darling an expression used by David in the Psalms to represent his own soul
or his life. Jesus uses this expression to say that His bride is as His
own soul and an extension of His life on earth.
Den of lions speaks of spiritual forces in the heavenlies
Diadem a crown with over two or three fillets signifying dominion over two
or three countries, hence many diadems is a reference to the dominion
of the Messiah as the supreme ruler of the earth which is also
signified by His name, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Dove's eyes singleness of vision ( doves can only focus on one thing at a
time), spiritual insight.
East the mind of Christ, or an openness toward Godaccording to Conner's
book on interpreting signs and symbols it is a symbol of sunrise, God's
light and glory arising.
Engedi a place in the wilderness where David fled to hide;
( Priscilla's note: En Gedi means "spring of a kid", goat being a symbol
of sinners or sin. En Gedi is on the west side of the Dead Sea. (due
east of Hebron) I believe it represents people covered with death,
desert places are representative of the absence of GOD. Also, 2
Chronicles 20:2 calls En Gedi, Hazazon-Tamar which suggests the
presence of Palm trees which are symbolic of VICTORY. The wilder-
ness of En Gedi is one of the bleakest parts of the wilderness of
Judah according to Zondervan's Bible encyclopedia. ( Judah means
praise ). We come to victory through complete death to self.
Ewes, newly shorn the mind shorn of the wisdom of this world, which
causes it to be deceitful in size and form.
Faith leaning of the entire personality on God and His Word in absolute
trust and confidence in His wisdom and goodness.
Fawn a female deer having the inner quality of a very sensitive spirit.
( Deer are representative of the overcomers )
Field the world ( Matt 13:38 )
Fig tree Israel, fruit of the nation of Israel
Fish men
Flocks of His companions people who follow men of God
Flowers the shortness of men's life ( Job 14:1-2 ) also the fading glory of
Footsteps of the flock Steps or acts of those followers of Jesus who
through faith and patience inherit the promises of God ( Heb 6:12,
Heb 13:7, 1 Peter 2:21 )
Frankincense fragrant spice, used in making the priestly incense, it
represents the intercessory prayer life of the priest ( Rev 8:3-4)
and praise ( Isaiah 60:6, Ps 100:4 ) intercession
Garden soul of the believer, the beauty of the New Creation life within, his
life in Christ, symbol of growth and fertility.
Garments all outward attitudes, behavior and external appearances,
or covering, evil or righteous
Gate the mind of men, symbol of entrance, power, authority
Gazelle Jesus in His resurrection life
Gold the divine nature, symbol of kingdom glory, GOD, kingship
Grain sons of the kingdom
Grass symbol of the frailty of the flesh
Green freshness, vigor, prosperity and that which is flourishing, eternal
life, new beginnings
Hair separation unto God, covering, symbol of the glory of man or beast
Heart symbol of center of being, life, emotions, motivations
Heel symbol of power to crush
Horse symbol of power, strength, conquest
Husband type of headship, protection, bonder of household
Hyssop symbol of purification, applied by faith
Iron strength , affliction, judgment, inflexible rule, crushing
Ivory symbol of beauty and strength
Jasper symbol of the glory of God, brightness, beauty
Jewels symbol of special treasures, the people of God
Kidney symbol of desire, emotions, the mind as an organ that filters
The thoughts
Knee symbol of reverance, humility, bended knee, prayer force
Ladder symbol of Christ connecting heaven and earth, open heaven
Lamb symbol of Christ our perfect sacrifice
Land symbol of earth, man's dwelling place
Leaf symbol of life amidst prosperity or adversity
Lebanon symbol of beauty , strength, loftiness
Leopard swiftness, cruelty, vengeance, ferocity "spotted one"
Letter symbol of the law of Moses
Light symbol of GOD or Christ
Lightening-majesty of God, God coming into activity on earth. Associated
with thunders, voices , earthquake.
Lilies- symbol of beauty and splendor
Linen symbol of moral purity and righteousnessabsence of man's labors
or works ( Ez 44)
Lion kingship, boldness, royalty, courage, good or evil persons
Lips symbol of our testimony
Man type of the image and likeness of God
Mantle spiritual coveringgood or evil
Marriage union of two, two becoming one
Meat strong food, good or evil
Midnight symbol of the end of the age, change of time, new beginning
Moon symbol of light in darkness, sign of the Son of man, Church shines in
the darkness
Morning symbol of a new day, sunrise
Mother those who do God's will, speaks of the church also since she (bride)
Is born of God ( Gal 4:19,26, Matt 12:48-50)
Mother's house the system of GRACE
Mouth the means by which one expresses that which fills the heart ( can
also symbolize testimony, good or evil )
Mule symbol of stubbornness
Music symbol of joy, praise, worship
Myrrh an embalming spice, preserves; used in the anointing oil, speaks of
Healing, used for perfume and for beautifying as it helps smooth
wrinkles; myrrh and aloes signify suffering love ( John 19:38-40)
note: myrrh is effective in killing YEAST in the natural which speaks
of pride or sin ( yeast of the Pharisees)
Nard symbol of the fragrance of the Bride's love and appreciation for the
Neck the will ( Conner- strength, beauty, or stubbornness, humility or
hardness of spirit )
Noon the perfect light of day, the sun in full strength
North wind negative circumstances that the Spirit of God brings into your
life to cause spiritual growth.
Nose sense of smell, discernment
Oil the Holy Spirit
Orchard of Pomegranates paradise of godly thoughts
( Conner- Pomegranates are a symbol of fruitfulness, joyfulness.)
Ornaments original Hebrew means something like crown, a golden braided
wreath ( crown-conner: eternal life, rewards, kingship, rulership. )
Oxen ministers of the gospel, whose who give service to the Lord, the will
being subjected to the Lord ( 1 Tim 5:18)
Palm Tree- the righteous man ( also symbols of victorydeeply rooted so
they don't blow over )
Parable a story in which people, things, and happenings have a hidden or
symbolic meaning
Peace offerings a fellowship offering, sacrifices offered in communion with
God, free will offering on behalf of those who desired a closer fellowship with God.
Pierced ear signifies those who through love for their master had chosen
to be bonded to him as his slave for life
Pillar the overcomer ( Rev. 3:12 ) ( strength, firmness, support )
Pillar of smoke the mark of God's presence and the power of the Holy
Pillar of stone used to mark the place where God spoke with man face to
face ( Gen 28:12-18, 22)
Plumbline used to measure God's people
Pool water that is clear and still, signifying a life of great peace and very
deep calm
Pomegranates fruit, their seeds are crystal seeds tinged with red, they
signify pure and godly thoughts [ and contain many seedsConner says,
fruitfulness, and joyfulness ]
Powders of the merchant selling all for the Kingdom of GOD ( Matt 13:45-
Precious stones the wisdom and knowledge of God ( symbol also of special
treasures, the people of God )
Purple Kingly authority, Christ the King of Kings
Red the blood of Jesus, Christ the Saviour
Rod authority to rule, chastening, guidance, crushing
Rock Jesus
Ruby a red stone signifying the anointing as well as the presence of the
revealed God. [preciousness, value, glories. Since ancient time it has
been a symbol of LOVE ]
Sapphire a blue stone signifying the anointing as well as the presence of
the revealed God [ also symbol of beauty and hardness ]
Sardius stone the appearance of One sitting on God's throne, the first
stone in the breastplate of the high priest and the 6th stone of the
Holy City ( one=God, 6= man), thus revealing that the One Who sits in
the midst of the throne is both God and man ( REV 4:2-3); its red
glowing appearance signifies the marks of His passion, having shed
His blood for the redemption of mankind.
Scarlet thread redemption
Senir coat of mail
Seven spirits (or seven eyes) of God ( Is 11:2-3)
Sharon a plain in Judea, the rose is a rambling rose, or some ordinary
flower common to the area [ the Lord once told me in a word that the
flower is purple, but smells like a rose ]
Shepherd's tents five fold ministry ( Song 1:8, Eph 4:11-13)
Shield faith
Shulammite person of peace ( Priscilla: it also in original language can mean
Solomoness symbolic of the Bride of Christ )
Sister those who do God's will
Silver redemption
Snow God's glory
Solomon type of Jesus, King of peace
Sons of the east those who have a heart open towards God ( Gen 29:1)
South winds positive circumstances the Spirit of God brings into your life
for growth [ Pris: also represents the spirit of REVIVALthe work of
the Portion of Jacob ]
Steep pathway - (also secret places of the stairs ) the call to ascend with
the risen Christ.
Stone heap an altar on which sacrifice is made to Christ
Sun Jesus ( Ps 84:11, Matt 17:2) under the sun: natural arena (life
without obedience to God )
Teeth Ability to appropriate the food of God ( mind meditating on the
Word ) [Conner saysthe sharpness of our testimony ]
Temples the seat of man's thoughts
Thorns the cursed earth, the cares of this life ( sometimes curses if you
see them in the heart of a person )
Thummin perfections; found inside the breastplate of the High priest and
used to determine the Word of judgment from the Lord, signifies the
perfect measurement by which the believer is being judged and also
judging others (discernment, illumination )
Tirzah meaning delight
Tower Strength against the enemy ( Christ our High Tower )
Traveling couch of Solomon the resting place of the King of Peace
Turtle dove type of the spirit of God being poured out through the
sacrifice of Jesus
Twins balance ( Job 11:5-6, Ecc 7:18)
Urim lights found inside the breastplate of the High Priest used in
determining judgments, the supernatural revelation of the Word of
God; by this revelation God makes known His counsel and His will.
( Ex 28:30, Num 27:21) [Conner- symbols of the mind of God ]
Veiled hidden from the world ( 2 Cor 3:15-18 )
Vine the church
Water The Word of God [ Conner; also can represent sufferingslike the
waters that overflowed the Jordan ( Josh 3:13) Life circumstances,
and also symbol of the Holy Spirit,flowing ( John 7:37-39) and eternal
life through Christ ( John 4:13-14 ) ]
Well spirit of the believer [ also symbolic of the Source of refreshment,
source of the water of life ]
Wheat source of bread, staff of life [Christ and his saintsHe is the
bread of Life ]
Wheel the spirit of man ( Ex 1:20) [ also transport, speed, circle ]
White purity, righteousness
Wind the Spirit of GOD
Wine joy ( also Holy Spirit poured out in Revival )
Wool the earthly life that the Lord has cursed, that which causes sweat
(man's efforts ) [ Ezek 44:17-18, Gen 3:17-19]
Zion those who trust in the Lord ( Psalm 125:10) [ symbolic in other
applications also of God's
rulership, kingship, worship in Mt Zion ]
Zebulun dweller, or dwelling ( Gen 30:20 ) [ Hebrew: habitation ]