Rustic Humor
April 21st, 2006

I also have a sense of humor My beloveds.  I am not sad all the time or sorrowing, or mad all the time.  I have emotions and I’ve given you emotions just as We have.  I also want to tell you that I’m going to have the last laugh.
Satan thinks he will succeed in overthrowing the Kingdom of God, or at least taking out as many as he can with this end times war.  But I am not willing that any perish, and I have my own SURPRISE attack planned.

Did you know that you are a part of that plan beloveds ?  Did you know that
Though men scheme, kill and maim and do terrible things, there is peace for My own remnant bride that will be established and there will be glory such as has never been seen before poured out on this earth.  For though he pushes to escalate his drama, through the evil plans of wicked men, I know all that they have planned and I have my own plans to glorify My own name in this hour.  They seek glory and honor and power and prosperity, but they do not realize how bankrupt they really are.

I have beauty that has never been seen by most men, and I have glory that I’m going to share with those who truly love Me.  Just remember that it’s not up to you to judge those I bless and those I don’t. It’s not up to you to change people.  You can do NOTHING unless I am in it.  Your words or striving will not accomplish one thing that will work, without My leading and direction, and anointing.  Remember too that I said I oppose the PROUD, but give GRACE to the HUMBLE.

I am fashioning in My bride at this moment, garments of humility that they will wear till they enter eternity.  Will you take these rustic garments and wear them ?  Are you willing to wait for the royal garments till after this battle is ended ?  Will you take the mantles of humility and GRACE I have to pour out in My own ?   Will you bow down before the Son of Man, and serve out of a humble heart those He loves ?  Will you take on the garments of a servant, though I clothe you in glory and honor, and great grace ?  Will you be willing to be thought stupid as a country bumpkin for the sake of the CROSS ?  Men may scoff, but it is not their words that you need fear.  For nothing they say, can change My love for you.  Nothing they think of you, can change My great love for you.  I am leading you closer and closer to My heart, till you are changed My western bride into the humble servants I desire.  Humility is not SHAMEFUL !  It is not shameful to be poor.  It is shameful to be wicked. It is shameful to disobey. But it is never shameful to be lacking in money or wealthy things of this earth.  For even as you take on the robes of a servant,  they will be exchanged eventually for robes of great wealth and honor in heaven.  So do not feel shame beloveds.  YOU are MINE, and nothing can separate us.  You are sons and daughters of EL OLAM.  So do not take on guilt and embarrassment or fear talking about ME.  For I’ve told you that if you deny Me before men, then I will deny knowing you to the Father, when you come into this kingdom.  So be BOLD !  Be of strong heart and ASK FOR COURAGE to finish this race, for there are great tribulations at hand.              

Be aware of the wolves in the world who pretend to be “sophisticated” – who pretend to care for you, but inside they are full of wickedness and debauchery, hatred and malice.  I tell you now, that you must become daily, hourly and moment by moment dependent on MY LEANING.  For wickedness is exalting itself in the earth at this moment, and I’ve seen the murderous hearts of men who even rationalize that it is HUMANE to murder, to kill people because they are a burden to society.  They have faces of politicians, businessmen, doctors, nurses, lawyers, teachers and prophets, priests and kings.   If you disdain the poor in this hour, you will lose everything, and I mean everything.  Remember the humbling of Nebuchadnezzar ?  Remember that he mocked Me , and ended up eating grass and groveling on all fours like an animal ?  This is what is in store for those who refuse or abandon ME, and forsake My will for their own.  Let ME handle the fallout.  Let ME handle the unruly and rebellious. ONLY DO WHAT I TELL YOU.

Do not do things out of a sense of obligation.  Obedience is better than sacrifice I’ve said.  I mean for you to learn this without learning it the hard way.  DO NOT STRIVE at anything.  Wickedness will grow stronger and stronger but My people who KNOW ME, will do great exploits and be filled with more and more of My glory. You will not run out, IF you stay abiding in the Vine.  Ask for MY OPINION when you don’t know if someone is safe to talk to or do for, or safe to go to.  Many of you are receiving more than you need in hardships because you are unwilling to listen.  But I tell you that many are IN HARDSHIP because they are doing what I WANT.  They are making impact daily in the lives of others so the enemy is incensed against them.  So you keep yourselves from judging and allow ME to be the only JUDGE.

Pride comes before a fall.  Do not let your heart grow cold as those in the world are becoming.  Shut your ears to the sounds of violence and close your eyes to the perversion around you. Keep yourself HOLY as I AM HOLY.  Do NOT allow compromise in your hearts that makes you cold and complacent. I am urgently imploring you to buy OIL FOR YOUR LAMPS. Come to ME, and I will fill your lamps full.  For the hour is very soon at hand when the world will no longer abide you one iota.  They are raging inside against you, because of misrepresentation.  But the wicked will rage even more, when I pour out MY GLORY in you because just like the Pharisees of old, they want all the glory and honor and power for themselves, being blinded by satan to their own condition.   They will HATE YOU, because they hated Me.  And they hate you because I am in you. You reflect My glory and the more you reflect it, the lonelier is the walk in this world, save for others like yourself.

Do not feel COMPELLED to do anything without My direction and guidance. My Spirit will direct your path IF YOU LOOK TO ME – If you WALK WITH ME.  Abide in Me, and I will abide in you.  I have so much to tell you but you cannot bear it now.  I have so much in store for you that you cannot imagine.
I am warning you to not listen to flowery lips and ingratiating prophecies about wealth and riches.  You will have the wealth of the nations, but it will be for the NATIONS – the people who give themselves to ME.  It will not be for arrogant spending and self-lavishing and indulgence.  It will be for caring for orphans and widows, single moms and the disabled and disenfranchised.  The poor will have the gospel preached to them…but it must be preached in ACTIONS, not just in words.  What you preach , YOU MUST LIVE.

KNOW that you are the apple of MY eye !  You are the head and not the tail.
I have given you AUTHORITY to trample on serpents and scorpions, and the more you die, the more authority you will have.  Crushing produces death to self , that brings anointing and power.  Just as the olive is crushed to bring forth oil, so do crushing circumstances and hardship bring HUMILITY and
POWER that will change the world around you. Do not back down beloveds.
Do not entertain defeatism. Defeatism says “I can’t, it’s too much.  You never get it right, You’ll never make it ! You’ve wasted your time, God won’t do what He said…etc.”   SO shut up it’s voice by saying I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME !  PRAISE ME and I will rain down GLORY !  PRAISE ME !   PRAISE ME !   WORSHIP and behold My beauty. Contemplate MY GOODNESS, and YOU WILL BE FILLED WITH MY LOVE and all that I am.

Holy Spirit through Priscilla Van Sutphin

Etymology: Middle English rustik, from Middle French rustique, from Latin rusticus, from rus open land
1 : of, relating to, or suitable for the country : RURAL
2 a : made of the rough limbs of trees <rustic furniture> b : finished by rusticating <a rustic joint in masonry>
3 a : characteristic of or resembling country people b : lacking in social graces or polish
4 : appropriate to the country (as in plainness or sturdiness)