Razed from the DEAD
May 23rd, 2006

I have raised you from death unto LIFE so how is it that you want to return to the grave My beloveds ?  Why do you want to hold on to the things of this world when you can grab hold of the things of the NEXT world yet in this life if you just let go of those things?  I have delivered you from the hands of the enemy and transferred you into the light of My love.

This life is but a shadow of the next. This life is fleeting, but the next is for eternity.  I’ve put eternity into the hearts of all who live in this world.   Though man tries to escape My view, it is impossible. I see EVERYTHING beloveds.  I have been calling to you, and calling to you to come into My heart, to come into the shelter of MY WINGS because I want to pour out My love on you.  Do you think you have enough ?  Well then, are you strong enough to bless those who curse you ?  Are you strong enough to love the one who would torture you ?

Are you ready for anything that lies ahead ?  Do not run from ME, but RUN TO ME beloveds.  Find your niche in the shelter of My wings, that before you go out to do anything, you have My instructions by just sitting and talking with ME.  I am your Abba, and just like a good father, I give good gifts to My children and I instruct them in the things of this world and the next !

I have so much MORE to show you than you can imagine !  I love you more than you can imagine also !  You may think you have a lot of love, but you yet are not filled to the full with MY LOVE.  My love suffers long and is kind. My love NEVER fails !  My love is not condescending, nor contentious, nor jealous.  My love never makes you feel left out.  It is inclusive and it is unconditional.  No matter how badly you think you have failed, I love you. You can always, always come to Me.  Yes I may reprimand you. But I HOLD NO GRUDGES, nor do I isolate you like an earthly parent might.  Nor do I withdraw My love.  I discipline, but I bind up, I correct, but I stay with you through trials and tribulations.  There is nothing you can do to get rid of ME,
Short of denying ME.

I am Yours and you are Mine.  It will forever be true.  I AM the ETERNAL ONE.  I have taken you into My heart and your adoption is sure.  I don’t give you away after taking you into My arms !  I don’t abandon anyone who has ever given their heart to ME, even if they were immature in their love and commitment.  I AM FAITHFUL and TRUE.  I am greater and I am coming to destroy all the works of the evil one and to use you to destroy his works against others.  REST NOW with ME, that as I come and pour out My glory,
You will be ready, for the days will be LONG.  The work of HARVESTING requires much strength.  Fill your mind with the WORD.  EAT, EAT, the word and take it in to your heart so that in the days to come when restrictions come, you will be full of it, and have something to draw from.  Fill your lamps with OIL.  Do not neglect your time with ME, but instead draw CLOSER STILL.  I love you My sons and daughters !  Don’t hide from your Abba !
I LOVE YOU and will never, never, never leave you nor forsake you !

I am also delivering you from associations that are dead.  I am delivering you from those who are not willing to change, so that you will be walking in the LIFE that is IN ME.  I am rearranging some things in your life that you will be able to transition as everything changes in ME.  Ask and you shall receive.
Ask Me for wisdom and understanding and I will give it.  You have not because you ask not.  I am always with you and  I will fight beside you in this battle.  I will not leave.  I will stick closer than a brother !”

Through Priscilla Van Sutphin