Thru Priscilla Van Sutphin  www.blogtalkradio.com/Upstream
August 13th, 2012 00:54 am

1 Cor 14:1 AMP EAGERLY PURSUE and seek to acquire [this] love [make it your aim, your great quest]; and earnestly desire and cultivate the spiritual endowments (gifts), especially that you may prophesy (e interpret the divine will and purpose in inspired preaching and teaching).

Prov 2:2-5 AMP 2Making your ear attentive to skillful and godly e Wisdom and inclining and directing your heart and mind to understanding [applying all your powers to the quest for it]; 3Yes, if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, 4If you seek [Wisdom] as for silver and search for skillful and godly Wisdom as for hidden treasures, 5Then you will understand the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of [our omniscient] God. [Prov 1:7.]

“I answer the prayers of My beloveds. I put in their hearts the prayers to pray and then I fulfill them in time through a variety of ways. The greatest quest is to seek ME. For I am the Source of all you need. So you need to keep your eyes on ME, looking for ME, communing with Me, speaking with Me, so that I in turn will commune with you, and the quests that I have put in your heart, I will bring to fruition.

Many of you asked me in your youthful exhuberance to be more like ME. Thus you have suffered and endured many trials and testings to get you to that place of refinement. I am only doing what you asked for beloveds ! I am making you like that diamond that I can shine my light through to the world around you. That takes a crucified life, a life given over to ME, and so you gave your lives over to Me, but you didn't always expect the trials that you went through. But it has forged in you something you can't describe.

You are coming forth as gold, so rejoice, and rest in My arms knowing that all that I have prepared you for is at hand, and I will be the ONE to finish in you all that you need. You needn't fret, or worry at all. You needn't strive. I want you in the palm of My hand to put the finishing touches on you. I am clothing you with robes of righteousness, taking out all the little foxes that spoil the vine. So continue to rest in My arms, seeking Me in worshipful adoration, and I will fulfill all that is left to ready you for the days ahead.

Speak My Word as I lead you to aloud to the forces of darkness. Do not allow them to dictate your heart. Do not give into their emotional taunts. I am NOT condemning you, they are ! I am not disqualifying you ! They are trying to do that, but they havent' the power to do it. I chose you, and I will finish the work in you as you ALLOW Me to do it.

Cease from being too busy. Lie with me beloved and tune into My voice. REST in ME and I will comfort all that causes anxiety. I will give you the peace you need to forge through all that is at hand. I am Your Beloved, and you are Mine. I will provide all that is needed for you to do whatever I've called you to do. But do not anticipate poverty & lack! Anticipate MY provision. Anticipate My blessings in your lives if you want to receive them. Speak the WORD in FAITH. Do not give in to the taunts of the enemy.

I am a good Father, Who gives good gifts to His children. If you ask for bread, I will not give you a rock. I will give always what you need. And if you don't have that, I will supernaturally sustain you ! For I am the God of the impossible. There is nothing I cannot do. Trust in ME with ALL of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding or the understanding of man. I don't just give enough. I give MORE than enough ! You saw what I did in feeding the 5000. You saw there was more than enough because there were leftovers. I don't just give enough. I give more than enough. Believe in ME for more than enough so that you have plenty left to live on, and to give to others.

I will supply ALL your needs through My riches in glory. Have I not shown you manna from heaven, and precious stones, and gold specks, so is there anything I am limited by?
NO. There is nothing I cannot do. So stop speaking curses on yourself. Stop speaking negative words that give the enemy license to steal from you. Speak in FAITH. Speak in TRUST. SPEAK THE TRUTH of My WORD !

Those who have been on a quest for Love, will receive all that they need and more. All who have had a quest for wisdom and understanding, as you have used it to help others, I will give you MORE. I will give you MORE than enough. I will pour out in you more than you can imagine. My love will flow like a tsunami into your hearts and to every cell in your body and you will be envigorated and delivered from all evil. Your life will never be the same.”