Prayer to Renounce Generational 
Family Iniquity

Heavenly Father, creator of heaven and earth, 
I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ 
of Nazareth, your Son.
I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing 
from all sins committed against you, and others 
created in your image.

I honour my earthly father and mother, and all 
my ancestors of flesh and blood, adoptive or step 
parents, but I utterly turn away from and renounce 
all their ungodly practices, sins and iniquities.

I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children.

Thank you, Father, for sending your only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to die in my place; to pay the penalty for my sins through His shed blood, and to bear the punishment for the sins and iniquities of my ancestors in His bruised and bleeding body on the Cross of Calvary. Thank you that He is my Holy Scapegoat.

I choose now, to confess and take accountability for the sins through my family bloodlines back to the fourth generation, and to the tenth generation for sexual sins, known and unknown.

I confess and renounce all idolatry, known and unknown, also all involvement with occult power and looking into the hidden things of darkness by my family and ancestors.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I now break and renounce all blood oaths, blood covenants, blood dedications, blood ties and all blood bondages to Satan and any other false gods by my family and myself.

I also cancel all ungodly documents, agreements and assignments against me and my family, past, present and future, and I apply the blood of Jesus Christ to cancel them. I declare their penalty has been paid in full by Jesus at Calvary.

I confess all ungodly behaviour, spoken words, thoughts and negative emotions that have had an ill-effect on my family bloodlines, on my marriage and other relationships.

I repent of all word curses spoken over or to others. I release each person from any offence caused, and release my rights to revenge, for the Word of God says that revenge is the Lord’s only.

I confess the operation of rejection in my family bloodlines in every form, especially that which is now affecting me, my marriage and my family.

I confess any addictions in my family bloodlines, known or unknown.

I renounce the effects of any untimely death, and any effects of war in my family bloodlines. I give to the Lord Jesus Christ all unresolved grief from these deaths, and from death of expectations. I ask you, Lord Jesus, to release me from the consequences of all unresolved grief and disappointments attached to the death of expectations.

I renounce all areas of false guilt and false responsibility in my family bloodlines.

I confess and renounce all religious restrictions, and perversion of the Gospel in my family bloodlines, either from a Christian denomination or church, from a different religion, faith or tradition, or from cultic involvement.

I renounce any hereditary illness, whether physical, emotional or mental, and any other weakness in my family bloodlines.

I confess and ask forgiveness for any failure by myself and my ancestors for stealing from God by not bringing to Him our tithes and offerings as His Word commands. This has permitted the Devourer to plunder my family’s wealth. I confess this grievous sin and I repent and ask your forgiveness now.

I choose now to be generous, so I break the curse and spirit of poverty off my life now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I rebuke every related spirit, including greed, covetnessness, stinginess, and self-reliance; and I command all such spirits to leave me now harmlessly on my natural breathing, and to go to your appointed place of judgement and not to return to me or my family, in the name of Jesus Christ.

I confess, repent and renounce any and all adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality or bestiality which has been practiced by myself or my family bloodlines.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I now cut off all the effects of these sins, known and unknown, including all ungodly soulties, and I break every curse involved, in Jesus’ name.

I also bind every spirit which empowered these curses and ungodly soulties, and I command you all to leave me now, and go to your place of appointment to await your judgement in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Alternative or Additional Prayer

Father God, I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ, confessing these sins and weaknesses which may affect me.

I release my ancestors into the freedom of my forgiveness. No longer will I blame them for how I am.

I now lay the punishment and inherited weaknesses on the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, my scapegoat; on His bruised and bleeding body on the cross. I receive your forgiveness and release from their effects.

Thank you, my Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that I can cast my burdens on YOU.

Please heal me, renew me and lead me in your ways, that my life may bring glory to your name.

I break the curse of rebellion, stubbornness and defiance towards God’s covenant of marriage in the name of Ye’shua Ha Maschiah.

I break the spirit of broken covenant that has violated and destroyed the godly covenants of my family line.

On behalf of my family line, I repent of all sexual relationships outside the marriage covenant.

I ask that the blood of Ye’shua will bring cleansing to my family line and its foundations to cleanse them of the family iniquity of incest.  Amen.

Father God, I repent of wearing a hexagram and or having one in my home.  I ask for and receive your forgiveness and cleansing and ask you to break off any curse for my violation of your world.  Thank you Lord.

Men and Women
I repent of becoming an idol, worshipped by another,  or others.

I break the spirit of witchcraft that places me upon a pedestal and I smash every effect of becoming an idol.

I renounce and break the false ‘love’ and ‘loyalty’ that is disguised witchcraft.

I break their spirit of witchcraft in the name of Ye’shua.

I declare I am coming off the pedestal.  I shall no longer be the idol of another!

Where I have been excluded by the incest of others and their incest has stolen that which is rightfully mine, I break every curse of exclusion and declare I will no longer be excluded.

I take the sword of the spirit and cut the incestuous tie between them and myself.

I smash their convenant of incest in the name of Ye’shua.

I break the curse of the ‘bastard’ and exclusion.  I break the grief that exclusion brings.

I repent where I have been tied through spiritual incest with a ‘sister’ or ‘brother’, even a ‘sister’ or ‘brother’ in Messiah.

I break the bondage of incest.  I revoke the covenant of spirtual incest between them and myself in the name of Ye’shua.

I break the lust for possessive ownership of another.

I repent for having defiled the Body of Christ with spiritual incest.

Father, I renounce and break the family spirit of incest and rape.

I break the family spirit of rape off my body, emotions and finances.

I break the depression and grief of rape.  I ask that the Holy Spirit will heal the wounds.

I break every dimension of death that comes with rape in the name of Ye’shua.

Where the spirit of incest with rape has caused me to have fear, I break the fear of rape.

I break the paranoia, mistrust and suspicion that comes with fear of rape.

I ask you Father God to restore my sense of proportion, truth and reality.

Where another projects a spirit of incest upon me, I break their projection of the ‘psychic vampire spirit that would suck the life out of me’.

I pull down their demand that I become a father or mother, brother or sister, husband or wife.

I repent where another and I are bound by cords of spiritual incest and where we have become ‘twins’ both in emotions and in spirit, I repent.

I take the sword of the spirit and separate myself from every ungodly tie through the incest spirit that binds us together.

I break the spirit of incest that joins another and myself.

I break the spirit of torment and insanity that comes as a result of incestuous relationships.

I break all psychic protection and psychic intrusions off my mind, imagination and emotions.

Where another is sucking the life out of me, I take the sword of the spirit and cut every tie to the ‘vampire spirit’ of Jezebel.

I release my life from the control of the Jezebel spirit.  I break the control of the spirit of incest over my household.

I break all maternal control and paralysis off my mind, will and emotions.

I renounce the imprinting of my mother and I break her controlling spirit of witchcraft.

I take back my will that I declare will function fully.  I break the curse of being a victim to the Jezebel spirit.

I break every tie to the spirit of control and witchcraft that binds me to other ladies or men.

I renounce and break the ungodly stronghold of guilt that has bound my personality under Jezebellic control.

Father, where I have been bound to maternal control by false guilt, I break the guilt and declare I will no longer submit to false guilt and condemnation.

I break the oppression of false guilt over my spirit and emotions and any resulting depression.

I break the fear and curse of the disapproval of mother or spouse.

Where my mother or spouse has stamped me with disapproval, I break that imprint.

I declare my family and I are coming out of the iniquity of incest.

I repent of the incest rooted in whoredoms of my family line and I renounce and break the family curse and spirit of whoredoms in the name of Ye’shua Ha Maschiah.

I forgive my mother for her violation of my will as a boy and teenager.

Where my mother ruled my life, and where her control produced anger and rage towards women generally, I repent.

I break the spirit of maternal control off my life.  I renounce and break the curse of anger and rage towards women.

I renounce and break the spirit of misogyny.

I break the fear of women violating my will and usurping my authority and I break the resulting curse of male passivity.

Where maternal control has stolen my headship, I choose to walk back into my authority.

I repent of bringing this passivity into my marriage and of subtly forcing my wife to take the headship of my family.

I break the curse of lawlessness within my home and even deception and the spirit of error that comes with female headshp.

I declare I am walking into the fullness of authority of male headship within the family home.

I renounce all anger towards my wife because she has taken or usurped the headship of the family and by God’s grace I will walk into headship.

I renounce and break the spirit of hatred towards women and marriage.

I break the fear and anger of female control and by God’s grace I will no longer project this faer and anger onto my wife.

I break the curse of powerlessness that comes with fear of disapproval.

I renounce the self-mockery and hatred of my masculinity because of powerlessness and the curse of no self-worth

Father I ask you to heal my soul, rebuild my masculinity and help me to walk into my destiny as a man of God.

I repent of my hated toward primary women in my life.  I repent of replacing my mother with my wife in that primary position.

I repent of becoming a surrogate husband to my daughter/daughters.

I repent of isolating my wife and causing my daughters to usurp her godly authority over them.

I renounce and break the spiritual incest between my daughters and myself.

I renounce, revoke and break the spirit marriage with my daughter(s) in the name of Ye’shua.

I repent of spiritually releasing the spirit of murder against my wife and emotionally murdering her.

I renounce and break the mother spirit from ruling my family through either my wife or my daughters.

I declare that no longer will the women of my family rule through the spirit of witchcraft and incest.

I repent of, renounce and break every effect of becoming a father or brother to my wife.

I repent where I have become a surrogate husband to my mother and I break the spirit marriage with my mother.

I renounce and break the rule of maternal control over my life and family in the name of Ye’shua and repent of submitting to the control spirit and allowing my manhood to be emasculated.

I repent of becoming a surrogate husband to my sister/sisters and I renounce and break the spirit marriage with them.

I repent of becoming a surrogate father to either of my parents and I renounce that role in the name of Ye’shua.

Wives and Mothers
I repent of emotionally and/or spiritually becoming a wife to my sons.

I repent of spiritually and emotionally murdering my husband and forcing his abdication.

I repent of usurping his position as head of the family.

I renounce and break the spirit of incest between my sons and myself.

I renounce and break the spirit of incest between my daughers and myself.

I renounce, revoke and break the spirit marriage to my sons and their becoming a surrogate husband in the name of Ye’shua.

I renounce and break the spirit of murder I have released at my husband.

I renounce and break the rule of the spirit of maternal control over my family.

I repent of, renounce and break every effect of becoming a mother or sister to my husband.

I choose to be patient with my husband and when he makes mistakes I choose to forgive and to not belittle him.

I declare I am fully committed to relinquishing the family headship to my husband.

I forgive my mother for her violation of my will.

Where my mother dominated my life, and where her control produced anger and rage towards men, I repent.

I break the spirit of maternal control off my life.

I renounce and break the anger and rage towards men and the despising of men.

I break the curse of passivity.  I repent of bringing passivity into my marriage.  I repent of taking headship of my family.

I relinquish the position of high priestess under Jezebel.

I break the curse of powerlessness that comes with fear of disapproval.

I renounce the self-mockery and hatred of my feminity and break the curse of no self-worth.

Father, heal my soul, rebuild my feminity and restore my self-worth as a daughter of God.

I renounce and break every effect of having emotionally and/or spiritually become a wife to my father and of causing my mother to be isolated and of usurping her position.

I renounce and break the spirit marriage with my father and the spiritual/emotional incest.

I renounce and break the spirit of murder released against my mother by my father, siblings or myself.

I renounce and break the rule of maternal control over my family and I will no longer rule through the spirit of witchcraft and incest.

I repent where I have become a surrogate mother or wife to my brothers.

I renounce and break the spirit marriage with my brothers in the name of Ye’shua.

I renounce and break the spirit of incest tying them to me.

I repent of becoming a surrogate mother to either of my parents and the spirit of incest operating through that in the name of Ye’shua.

​also can go to to download all kinds of renouncements for generational sins at Amanda Buys site. She put alot of work into those and they are very effective to help dislodge generational and ancient spirits. Sometimes it takes more
than one time. The Kundalini prayers are really good, and are a worldwide issue as it's connected to Baal worship/sun worship.  All cultures are affected by that and many others she has on her site.
Some of them I've put on my discipleship page, which is still being worked on.