Do You Have His Perfect Peace
Dorothy Hedlund
[Something of Mystery … Based on Intimacy]
– June 13, 2004

Walking to a nearby lake from home, sitting down under a weeping willow near shore-line, I heard: “Are you at peace?”

“Yes, it is a GOOD thing,” I replied. (esp. in light of the prior week’s turmoil & assaults.)

“May I speak to you about PEACE?” - [Certainly…] 

Peace Sanctifies
“PEACE is a most precious gift. PEACE calms every storm within. PEACE is not some ‘thing’ – peace IS ME,” He said. [The Spirit then brought I Thes. 5:23 to mind: May God himself, THE GOD OF PEACE, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.” 

I had never ‘seen it’ before, and asked, “Peace…sanctifies?”
“Yes…….I DO.”
“Is it not by a work of circumcision – by which souls, sanctified, come?”
“Even in the midst of ‘spiritual operations,’ is there not PEACE, dear one?” (yes…) 

“MY NATURE IS PEACE…even in the midst of righteous anger, I AM & remain, PEACE.”
“But how can that BE?”
“Peace is the undisturbed confidence of knowing, (even though storms arise) that ALL of Father’s plans…are good & true & wise. With evil He does not compromise.
TRUTH brings PEACE because it sets captives free. THE MORE TRUTH YOU UNDERSTAND…the more you come to TRUST in the wisdom of His plan. This sets your mind at ease, bringing you back to the place called PEACE.
Even the ‘violent’ need times of PEACE; they are only human. It is actually PEACE for which they seek. PEACE, which encompasses love - is the only gift that can fill up ‘empty ones.’ When you do not have peace, you are not aligned with Me. 

In the midst of every storm, you must also ‘remember your song.’ It will bring PEACE, setting your gaze back on Me. Peace…MY PEACE, is a GIFT that cannot be ‘taken away’ by any circumstance, nor by man. IT IS ME. 

Where Does Peace Come From?
“Now, let Me ask you – WHERE does this ‘peace’ come from, that I give to you?” He asked. [I responded with a thought which had just popped into my mind…]
“You are CORRECT … FROM INTIMACY … even as the Father, Spirit and I are one.”
[He let it sink in…]
Without INTIMACY (agreement/unity/being ONE with and in Them) – I Myself could have no lasting peace to keep or bring. Father sent Me into the world to be called ‘Immanuel,’ God With Us – but also to come as THE PRINCE OF PEACE.” (again He paused to let me take it in…)

Peace IS the will of God.
Peace IS God.
The Father and I are ONE.
Because we are one, I AM PEACE.
And in order to become one, there MUST BE INTIMACY.
From the place of INTIMACY & PEACE – all virtues flow.

Then He asked, “Do you know what the ‘birthchild’ of INTIMACY + PEACE IS? It is LOVE… TRUE LOVE … AGAPE LOVE. 

He paused again, letting me chew on the spiritual steak I was being given, then said, “I have heard your thoughts at times – when you’ve said, ‘love is not enough’ in the midst of storms in life’s relationships. AND THIS IS TRUE. Love is NOT enough, according to what man is capable of – if there is not also PEACE. Do you see WHY, now, that Satan, the enemy of your souls – tries to STEAL YOUR PEACE? If he can work havoc in the souls of men, and in their relationships stir up strife or ‘di-ease’ – he has grabbed the prize: PEACE. When he has worn you down enough to get YOU to give it up, without Our intervention – LOVE WILL CEASE TO BE.

That is why I have said unto you that THE GOD OF PEACE will soon crush Satan underneath your feet. Yes, I know we could go off on the tangent of ‘feet’ now – but let’s stick to PEACE. One subject at a time,” I could hear Him smiling at me.

How is Peace Transferred?
Then the Lord asked, “HOW is peace transferred from the Father into Me – and then from Myself into you? Have you ever considered that?”
“No, not until YOU put the thoughts in my head,” I teased Him, “and now that You HAVE, what more is there to be said?”
“PEACE is a GIFT OF LIFE – and must be RECEIVED.”
“How is this done?”
“By becoming ONE: one with the Father, one with Me, one with the Spirit – and ultimately one with others, for eternity.” He responded.

“So, how do we BECOME one?”
Drink Me In
“By joining in spirit with The Spirit in Me … by receiving LIVING WATERS/PURE WORD, that is why I tell you TO DRINK AND RECEIVE. He (the Spirit) will even teach you HOW TO DRINK, so that more one with Me you can be.
Your peace is dependent on how often you come to Me TO DRINK. Have you heard it said, “I drank in the beauty of the scene with my eyes?” (yes…)

‘DRINKING IN’ something simply means: opening up your spiritual faculties to Me that you might receive. It is opening your spirit & soul up to Me. That is why those who are either close-minded or hard-hearted have so little peace. They cannot ‘open up their spirits to Me’ and come freely to drink/receive. My waters received, bring LIFE and PEACE. Having once TASTED OF PEACE, you can then more & more fully LOVE. 

Some ‘drink Me in’ by receiving the living waters of My word, by studying the scriptures.

Some ‘drink Me in’ by prayer & intercession, aligning their spirits with that of My own.

Others ‘drink Me in’ with their spiritual eyes, as we come face to face in ‘the revelation place.’

And still others ‘drink of Me’ by passing ‘beyond the veil’ – coming to drink & receive… directly from Me (by means of spirit transport/reality revelation). Here, they receive things rich of Spirit-overflow, as they come to dwell IN THE Father along with Me. In this place is PERFECT PEACE due to the highest level of INTIMACY.”

He continued, “You can ‘KNOW PEACE’ (as some would say, ‘in the biblical sense’) – only by becoming ONE WITH ME. In this place of undisturbed confidence, trust, and knowledge of the holy – you come to PERFECT PEACE.”

Coming to ‘Perfect Peace’ By Tabernacle Design

“And what IS ‘perfect?’” He asked. “That which is MATURE. There are things of MATURE LOVE that you cannot understand until you’ve arrived – just as also there are things of MATURE (perfect) PEACE, in which ‘the mature’ come to abide.

According to tabernacle design, your soul experiences more & more transformation as you come ‘forward’ (closer) to Me. Those dwelling in the OUTER COURT will experience & understand but a limited measure of My peace and love at hand. Those who move in closer, into the INNER COURT (Holy Place), begin A DEEPER WALK OF PEACE, more deeply in love with Me. But then there are those desperate souls who leave the world totally behind, becoming as those fully sanctified/crucified – dead to all, but Me.

THEIR REWARD is to taste of PERFECT PEACE – and of the abundant delights of My love. 

HOW CLOSE, dear ones, do you want to come? There are many who have already come before you. The invitation has been open to all. The ‘less YOU become’ – the MORE you’ll have NEED of ME… and THE MORE YOU’LL COME TO ‘DRINK.’

Your Daily Portion is as ‘The Big Dipper’ … SO DRINK

The DAILY PORTION I have for YOU fills up the ‘BIG DIPPER’ in the night sky. Do you KNOW how wide & deep this is by measurement of miles? It is MORE than you can ask for or dream. It is taken from a well, supplied by an everlasting stream. The next time you see ‘The Big Dipper’ – consider the LIVING WATERS/PORITON that I had intended for you THAT day. Did you linger in My presence and drink – or did you, in busyness, rush away?

If you would ‘know peace’ – you must DAILY COME to drink. I speak this to the mature and immature…to those who are just learning, and to those who have heard this message many times before. So why are you dry? Why are

you not at peace? Who enticed you out of the Fortress/Tower – that your peace in last weeks has ceased? DRINK in my word… gaze upon Me by revelation, come to Me by Father … DRINK & RECEIVE BY CONSUMMATION.
I and the Father are one, and so must you be – only then, My Church – will you know THE POWER OF PEACE and THE AUTHORITY OF SABBOTH-REST – IN ME.

Don’t be a ‘sipper’ – when I’ve supplied the ‘Big Dipper.’ 

DEEPER MEAT – He then said: “The basis of a passionate relationship is oddly enough, not love, but peace. Peace comes by way of intimacy, and intimacy comes when two join and agree. Love IS BIRTHED as a result of SYMPHONY.
You ask, “Well, did LOVE come first or PEACE?” What a question to ask – when I AM both of these,” He laughed, amused. “In the fullness of peace there IS LOVE – but also in the fullness of love there IS PEACE. I am THE PEACE OF GOD – and GOD IS LOVE. When peace and love join as one, creative power-works are done.” [just think about THAT for a moment.] 

When peace and love join as one…‘creative power-works’ are done

[Consider: in the midst of relationships where you can say ‘we love each other’ (family & friends) – is there ALSO peace? If the spirit of strife/division, accusation, unforgive-ness, jealousy or dishonor is in place – it is likely there is little true peace. Yes, there is, of course, “agape love,” which goes the distance because of GOD IN US. However, IF THERE IS LITTLE TRUE PEACE – few creative works (a result of intimacy with God & each other), can be done. How important is peace? Oddly enough, it’s so important that it’s something worth FIGHTING FOR in our churches, homes, and ministries. In fact, what would happen if for one week…on our knees…WE ALL CRIED OUT FOR the establishment of God’s SUPERNATURAL PEACE?] 

“Just guess…” Jesus replied to me. (I thought He was done speaking)
“The enemy flees when you drop to your knees…
Cry out together: “Oh, come, Prince of Peace!
Yes, I may be shaking & turning some things ‘upside down’
But in the ‘eye of the storm’ – there I Am, peace and calm
Inside of your spirits – inside of your hearts,
Let Me establish MY PEACE – or you’ll fall…apart
Become one with Me in the place of intimacy –
Then let ME BATTLE FOR YOU, as I position you STAY IN PEACE”