Ode to a “Ho”
I see you winding your way down the street, half filled with dread, and the other with excitement mixed with lust and a feeling of necessity.“I’m nothing, I will never be anything. I’m just a whore my daddy said. But at least I can do this. Maybe THIS will please some man and he will love me for who I really am.”

I see you looking for love in all the wrong faces, so here I am drawing you and pleading with you to come to ME, the Author of LIFE. I won’t abuse you. I saw you when you were just a little girl, trusting in those around you…trusting them not to hurt you, or use you.  I was there.

I saw him. I saw him when he violated that trust. I also saw the one who just never had time for you. I saw how you took on the thoughts that you weren’t worth the time, or that this was the only way you could please a man. Well at least maybe now, you’ve got attention. But my darling girl, that’s not the attention I want to give you !

I LOVE YOU with a love that’s pure. I love you even in your unworthiness and self hatred. I love you even though you are so angry and raging on the inside at those who treated you wrong. I know what pain is.
I suffered for you. I suffered with you. I know ask you to step into MY ARMS OF LOVE, and be healed. KNOW your worth to ME child of Mine.
I am Your Daddy ! I love you and I will never abuse you or neglect you.

I know all those men are not raging. Some are looking for love just like you.  I know the pain in their hearts too. I know the emptiness and the futility of things in life that wear you down. I know. I know it’s hard to stop, now that you’ve started. But I have more respect and love for you than anyone can !

I won’t treat you badly, and I’m a good provider for you. I CAN TAKE CARE OF YOU My darling. You are MY treasure, not their’s.
You are My BELOVED and I AM YOURS, if you will but believe.
I want to shower you with perfumed soaps and oils, and with all kinds of gifts too ! I have ALL you need ! I AM the LOVER of your soul !
I will be with you till the end of time, if you will but come and be Mine!


Holy Spirit through Priscilla Van Sutphin