Life is a Voyage
Sept 6th, 2007
Scribe: Priscilla Van Sutphin
The Lord said to me “Life is a voyage”.
Just like the waves of the sea that toss a boat to and fro, life does that for everyone.
There is nothing new under the sun. There are days of joy and days of woe, days of joy
And days of “I don’t know”. It seems that whenever I blow on a life, there is also a quandry for those who don’t know them well. It seems that the little boat gets tossed around more and more even by faithful ones who mean to do well, and mean no harm, but in their own woundedness bring even more stress to the little boat.
But just like the day my apostles were in a dither over the storm on Galilee, I spoke to the winds and they stopped, and the waves stopped tossing them about. So too, you must also speak to the wind and the waves of circumstance to MOVE and settle down. This it the only way to take the ground that belongs to the enemy. Take authority in what I have given you.
There will always be times when you are too weak to take that authority, or when you will be overwhelmed, and in those situations, I WILL TAKE AUTHORITY. I WILL FIGHT FOR YOU , just as I fought for Israel. So do not STRESS or get distressed over the little things, but lean on ME beloveds, for even in the tempest and the storms I am there with you through it all.
The boat has to be kept in alignment with it’s voyage for sure, and the only way to do that is using a compass. THE WORD is your compass, and the waves are just the breath of the dragon trying to steer you off course. But when you speak , speak with CONFIDENCE in MY ability, not your own. Know that I am FOR you, no matter what you have done, how you have failed or messed up. I am the anchor that keeps your boat in harbor when the enemy tries to get you sliding away off track.
Your tongue is like a rudder, remember ? And there is LIFE in the words that you speak. So speak LIFE to your body, life to those you love, life to your enemies. Life overcomes death every time, just as light overcomes darkness. So hold on even in the storms to the Words of Life in My Book. Cling to ME, and you will have LIFE. Come to ME when you are overwhelmed, and I will take over. I will sustain you even on your sick bed it says, so cling to ME, and rest in ME beloveds to see you through anything.
The days coming are perilous and weighty. Many will need My intervention. So be a source of LIFE to the lost and broken as they come to you. BE the LIGHT and SALT that I have made you to be. SHINE My light into the darkness. I am LIGHT and there is no turning in ME. Ask and you shall receive. Knock and the door will be opened. Live your life without regret. THANK ME for all I am doing, even when you cannot see it manifesting YET.
Fill your heart and mind with praise ! It will lift you up in times of trouble and woes.
I will reveal all you need to know. Just ASK. Life is a voyage of adventure. Will you come along with ME on an adventure beloveds ? Will you give yourself wholly to ME ?
I want to show you so many things. Come into the secret place with ME. I have much to talk to you about, if you will just come. Be brave in the midst of clamor beloveds. Do not believe all that is told you. Listen for My voice. Do only as I tell you. I will show you the way that is right if you will just ask before you venture forward. Listen closely.
I am in the winds that blow on your life. I am in the fire that burns away all your fleshly ways. I am in the waters that overflow. I am in the rain, and the snow. I am here for you in every situation and every turn of the voyage. CLING to ME, and the enemy will flee. Do not rely on your own wisdom at any time. For that can only be carnal, and worldly at best. Listen for the still small voice of your Beloved. I am realigning and restoring all that has been lost and stolen. ALL. ALL. ALL.