Get Up to the Mountains!
July 17, 2007   2:30 pm PST

“Get up, get up to the mountains!  Come 
to the HIGHEST PLACE, because it is only 
in ME You will have peace.  Lies & more 
lies have been told, & more lives have 
been sold. Will you come?  Will you come 
to the highest place?  The highest place 
is in my heart. For I am the Everlasting 
Father, & My mercy is for all those who 
fear ME.

In not many days, there will be tumult & tragedy. I told you that all is unraveling. The plans of men will be used to bring down the high towers. Those who exalt themselves above all others, even ME. I am speaking of the church that is called by My name but who has forgotten MY heart. But I will create in you a NEW HEART.

Some will not repent but many will be saved in the tremors to come because of turning their hearts towards Me. Do not be skeptical, but put on your armor daily. Do not neglect it. Tragedy sometimes brings out the best in people, but in many areas, it can also bring out the worst, when desperation sets in. Chaos & confusion will reign among the unsaved. 
I will bring my conviction in great power among them & the harvest will ensue.

TAKE MY MESSAGE TO THE STREETS. Build up the highways & streets of your cities. Build a firm foundation for men & women, boys & girls to walk on.  TRUTH & LOVE, Justice & RIGHTEOUSNESS. 

Do not touch the unholy things of mammon. Imitations will abound.  Wicked people will try to emulate what MY people will do.  But they will fail in the end.  

Many will be led astray so do not keep from the reading of My Word. Teach it to your children, that they may know the TRUTH. Warn them of the imposters. Do not neglect the gifts I have put in you.  

Abandon the hierarchies of men. This was NEVER MY DOING. This was man’s doing. His way of organization. The early church built some of this because they still had old ways in them.  What did Paul say?  

THERE IS NO MORE JEW OR GREEK, SCYTHIAN OR SLAVE, MALE OR FEMALE. WHY did he say that?  Because I AM THE HEAD.  I AM THE PREEMINENT ONE.  I had nothing to do with titles though I have many in heaven.  

So much has been misunderstood.  But as I change you, you will understand more; that relationship is the building block. Giving, & generosity are more important than getting.

There is so much selfish ambition in the heart of men & it has been the downfall of this nation.  I will yet build this on a new foundation, but not till what is built is hewn down.  

What will be left will not compare to any other place, because it will no longer be built to reinvent Babylon.  Many will flee from the battles ahead.  Many will not be safe here anymore.  Many of you are marked.

 Many of you I will lead to other places to be light in the darkness.  You will not be able to hide the light any longer when I get through. 

You will learn to shine or die.  As you reach out, I will be your rear guard.  Nothing can take you away from what is your destiny.  For with ME, are the keys to death & hell.  

No angel or demon can separate you from me. No system of man will be untouched.  For the pride of man will be hewn down. All arrogance will be destroyed among My own.  

No longer will people laugh at you in scorn within the body of Christ without consequence.  Make sure your fingers are not pointing either, at anyone else. KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME. 

Ask ME when you need to know the truth about someone, to know if someone is safe or not, to know if they are for Me or against Me. Do not be presumptive in your judgments. 

Come to me first with your impressions. Do not act on assumptions. Do not be surprised at My judgments. For when they are in the earth, people will learn righteousness.  People will turn to ME.”

Holy Spirit thru Priscilla Van Sutphin