Dromedary Defeat
Feb 15th, 2008
Via Priscilla Van Sutphin

The dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) is a large even-toed ungulate native to northern Africa and western Asia. It is often referred to as the one-humped camel, Arabian camel, or simply as the "dromedary". It is domesticated; the world's only population of dromedaries exhibiting wild behaviour is an introduced feral population in Australia.

The camel was an unclean animal, it was forbidden to be eatten.
Jer 2:23 AMP   How can you say, I am not defiled; I have not gone after the Baals [other gods]? Look at your way in the valley; know what you have done. You are a restive young female camel [in the uncontrollable violence of her brute passion eagerly] running hither and thither,
Matt 23:24 AMP  You blind guides, filtering out a gnat and gulping down a camel ! [Lev 27:30; Mic 6:8.]
“Pages of history are being written now.  No one can keep up with all the changes and turmoil in the world.  I tell My prophets beforehand, what is happening.   I don’t tell them to keep it to themselves, or to hoard private information.  I tell them in order that they would PRAY. I tell them that they would WARN and exhort people.  I’m not telling them just so they can get rich off their predictions either.  Many are turning to psychics and false prophets due to fear in this hour and hunger to know how everything they’ve read will be played out.

I have a plan that keeps getting muddled due to mixture in prophets who are called by My name. Many of these are unhealed and thus speaking things I have not spoken, and saying what appeals to others, just to get noticed.  Do My people discern rightly ? No, they are so blind to the truth which has been so diluted, that they are giving in to con artists, and spiritual vampires, supporting what does not profit.  Running from one idol to another trying to glean a little here, and glean a little there.  But do they run to ME ?  Do they see what I see ?

I look and I see a classroom of little children who’ve been so bruised, broken, deceived and hurt, and mistaught that they don’t know north from south, or east from west.  It’s as if they are in a daze.  Well I’m about to give some wake up calls to the masses of people asleep  and in a slumberous stupor.  I AM UNCOVERING and I will destroy the wisdom of those who think themselves wise.  I will destroy the mantles of pride and bring down every lofty thing that exalts itself against ME.  Will you not tremble at My name ? Will you not tremble when I step down ?  I will expose, and I will uncover all pretense and lies.

However many will flee from anyone who represents ME due to the ensuing persecution that is coming as I pour out My GLORY.  Many will be jealous and defiant towards ME,
and seek to stop those who move in true power and authority.  You will be glad for what I do in you, My remnant bride, but be on your guard against the Judas’s who will betray you with a kiss.  For many will pretend, and long to be part of power ministry, yet not be willing to pay the price.  I will help you to discern the lamb from the wolf.
I will show you all who are diametrically opposed to My holiness.

Archeological finds will bring to light more confirmation of My Word.  Earthquakes in various places will uncover some amazing finds. Even as there is an unearthing of ancient ways and evidence brought forth, will I also unearth My beauty, and reestablish ancient foundations.  Evidence of both will be seen and millions will come and lay their heads on My chest, as I pour out My love on this generation.  Conviction of hearts will be swift and transformations INSTANT.  Shocking displays of My glory will capture the attention of even the most hardened hearts.  The division between light and darkness will grow greater. My GLORY will be evidenced in your midst as never before in thousands of years.

As it comes with transforming power, the powers of darkness will try to crush it and you will see demonstrations of persecution that will make your hearts weep and sob for all of the saints affected.  But this will be short lived, and I will pour out such glory, that judgments will also be instant.  People’s hearts will be filled with fear at the terror of the LORD of HOSTS.  Revelation is increasing so much in the earth, that the fear of the LORD will be magnified in the earth.  The fear of man now prevalent in the true church will be changed.  Visions of heaven and hell will increase and young and old will be transformed by the experience of My glory poured out.

Those that pollute the minds and hearts of My lambs will receive immediate judgment. Be aware that there is NO COMPROMISE in heavenly realms.  There is not room for the abominable and hateful in the realm of heaven.  If you hold on to your pain and bitterness, it will not go well for you beloveds.  Lay them at the cross. Relinquish all resentment for what you have gone through, for all that you’ve gone through is GAIN for the glory of God.  All that you’ve suffered will bring forth GLORY. So why should you resent that which only magnifies ME in you ?  LAY DOWN YOUR RIGHTS, for you were bought and paid for with the blood of JESUS.  WHOSE ARE YOU ?

It is not for you to say what you will or will not do.  If it is, then you are still walking in pride and rebellion. Ask for ME to open your eyes oh man, oh woman !  For you are in need of eye salve oh church.  You need to see as I see, and hear as I hear.  You have need of MY WISDOM, and MY UNDERSTANDING.  He who seeks to save his life will LOSE IT.  He who loses his life will save it.  Fall on the ROCK or the Rock will fall on you and crush you to pieces.  The one who loves Me, OBEYS ME, I said.
Which way will you go ? Your way or My way ?  Make your choice, for the harvesting and reaping angels are at hand. Will you be in the sheep pen, or the goat pen ? It’s up to you. What is your heart’s desire ?  Blessed are you when men persecute you and say all manner of evil against you.  REJOICE and be glad, for great is your reward in HEAVEN.  The nature of the camel is being removed from My church.  The stubbornness and the way of going in circles will be removed.  I will have a people who FOLLOW ME, rather than expecting Me to follow them.”

[I had received tonight a website that has a video on indoctrination of children into perversion: homosexual, bisexual, lesbian lifestyles.  See the video at:
http://www.rescueyourchild.org/Home_Page.html  but have the kleenex ready, and PRAY!