“Restless Times Restless Minds”

“Sorrow has already filled so many 
hearts that see the apathy & complacency
 to what is going on & the heavyweight of
 humanism, communism, & idolatries.
Mankind was made for me but does not 
know it. For years the church has embraced 
the main philosophies of men & has been tranquilized by lusts of all kinds, in the name of ‘progress.’
Arch types of wickedness exalt & parade themselves before you as if they were a royal priesthood of knowledge & skill, learned & immersed in intellectual pride. But the self- deceits of men & women are no match for the King of kings & Lord of lords.

The immensity of deception & delusion is astounding to those who know me. But I knew & said “when I return, will I find faith on earth?“ The jaded & jaundiced ideas of who I really am, Plague the ignorant. But I have prepared my remnant for battle & harvesting of souls.
And my big surprise is at the door. You know what is coming, but you don’t know the superior immensity of the gift I am pouring out. The recapitulation of fulfilled prophecy‘s has been unrolled, & has started. Don’t give in to depression & despair.

In the Day of my arrival an ancient King tried to slaughter me & a generation of children. And today this is attempting a replay. Already there have been many martyred children because parents put their faith in man’s science & corrupt medicine rather than putting trust in me. Grown adults Blinded by treating men as gods, have succumbed to the great lies & deception. But I am arranging my surprise to destroy much of their plans, so do not give in to despair & sorrow let it out to me in prayer! CRY OUT beloveds. Cry out for am I an unjust judge or a righteous judge?

The more you see the pain, & feel the dread, give it to me. Worship me in the beauty of holiness & heavenly portals of FIRE will open up to you & bring the greatest Transformation of mankind in earth’s history. For I will move upon the lands, the nations, the waters, & seas, the earth & the air, & uproot all that is unholy & all unholiness that has been done in the nations.

Fight for the children & yourselves & I will fight alongside you as you raise your swords of righteousness & prophesy to the powers & principalities over cities & nations. This honor have all the saints! (Psalm 149)
Do not embrace the kiss of death planned for you!! Do not be complacent or give in to the apathy. Holy warring angels are with you to lead, guide, & protect at my command.

Some media will turn & airways will be cleared if you will continue to war & dance on injustice & speak truth. Be not be afraid of their threats! But have no deceit in thinking there will be no cost to this revival. For even the enemy is in your own camp betraying you like Judas & many Trojan horses have been established. But I have my own who will stand up for righteousness & have been fighting at a great cost to them- selves & their families. So pray for them !!! 

Pray for those who I will cloak with governmental power, as many will be removed from positions of power.  Like a row of dominoes falling, will they be retired from their wickedness. Pray for truth to overcome those given over to the beast through secret associations, to be cut off from the witchcraft, sorcery, & divination. Murder is the highest form of witchcraft! Call for angelic armies to overcome these occult wicked spirits. Dance on nations! Pray & call the weeping women to cry out. Let the priest cry out between the porch & the altar for the salvation of mankind.”

Holy Spirit
Thru Priscilla Van Sutphin www.upstreamca.org