“Remote Control”
5/29/23 2:22 am

“I am coming to bring My justice & 
to reverse the plans of evil so I need 
you to understand that you must not 
love your life above Me.
Some things will be hard for you to 
see; to observe. People have grown 
cold in many areas because of all the lies & intimidations, death & destruction. Which means they get self- protective, & distrustful of anyone.

Fear & pride make up control, so many have boxed themselves in emotionally for this self protection. Many won’t budge from cognitive dissonance because of this, unless they see with their own eyes, & even then strongholds of skepticism & distrust abound, along with cold love, & rejection’s fruit. They shut themselves in to hide from the world.

I said, “When I return, will I find FAITH on earth. I AM the Omnicient, & Omnipotent One, so I knew how it would be, which is why I have My own plans for My people!!!

Darkness has filled the earth & deep darkness has grown in many. Many have turned to false gods for power & control. You can see it in every avenue of life. THIS IS WHY I WILL BRING ABOUT MY GREAT RESCUE PLAN!!! I knew the enemy’s tactics long ago. He knows some things but not all things!

He IS TRYING TO GUESS MY NEXT STEPS & block My prophets & all those who Love Me, from moving closer to Me & to stop My glory from touching you. All heaven awaits the revealing of My plan. Watch your words beloveds. Use them to bless one another & prophesy to hosts of wickedness their soon exit!! Read Revelation 19-20 to them!!


The great “lighting up” of My trees of righteousness is at hand. FEAR NOT!! Face the giants in this war as David did. ARISE & SHINE BELOVEDS!!!

Your many promises I’ve given you are now coming forth. It will be tumultuous at times, but I AM with you! I am beside you. I am in front of you. I’m in back of you. I am beside you. I am over you. I am under you. I will clothe you with my power & glory.”

Isaiah 42:6 NLT “I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand & guard you, & I will give you to my people, Israel, as a symbol of my covenant with them. And you will be a light to guide the nations.

“Even as the rich have plans to “remote control” your life & death, I will bring many down to Sheol. Even as it was in Moses‘s day, Plead the blood over your door posts, over your family & friends, Neighborhoods & cities! Pray for the raising up of Godly leaders who will follow My lead & not the will of the enemy as I take down those bent on destruction.

The great & terrible day of the Lord will come, whether they think My Word is nothing or not. My time is at hand for the Great AWAKENING of all mankind to the TRUTH of MY SON’S existence.
NOTHING will stop MY PLAN, though men have scoffed & mocked. They think I am impotent. But it’s their plans that are impotent against My mighty power & they will soon find out for themselves.
For many it will be too late for their hearts have grown reprobate as was Pharoah’s. PRAY MY WILL, NOT YOUR’S, especially in regards to despots & rulers for I alone know the hearts of men. Your ignorance of what is going on & false compassion will not change My mind, for I see all that is behind the scenes. I have loved them more than you know, & many have had plenty of opportunity for change.

This does not mean you should mock, but that you should be grieved over their foolish hearts that have been lured away by Satan. I know the choices men will make. I know full well what is in their hearts. So ask of ME, & you will also see. For I have given you the keys of the kingdom, to those of you whose love for Me is true.

Use your time wisely in regards to prayer & pray in tongues a lot, for then the enemy doesn’t know what you are praying. But your spirit man prays & exalts Me, & Holy Spirit guides your prayers. Stay away from soulish distractions from others who have not the same call or matters on their heart as you do. YOU know what I have called you to, in most situations. So continue to persevere, for it is not much longer & you will see Me. There is much deception going on , & I have surprises for every Haman & Herod in the lands of the earth. For I will bring down the pride & arrogance of all who have hated Me.

Many hearts will come ALIVE for the first time in their lives. They will suddenly realize their foolishness, & bow down low. And I will restore all who humble themselves. For My Mercy endures FOREVER, & My compassion fails not! I WILL put on your heart who to pray for & what to pray for them. TRUST ME to execute My judgments in truth & justice.”

♥️ Priscilla 

Holy Spirit through Priscilla Van Sutphin www.upstreamca.org