12/19/22 Holy Spirit thru Priscilla

“There will be a “starlight” event over 
Russia in the news . This will be a sign 
that the great awakening that Hudson 
Taylor predicted for Russia will have 
begun in greater measure!
(not sure what the starlight event 
would be, but that’s how He put it)

The changes in China from revolution going on, will disrupt plans of the mighty who have looked to China to carry out certain plans. It will also disrupt economies while China goes through multiple changes & there will be greater disruption in med supplies here & elsewhere.

Nations that went along with the NWO agenda for 5jee & Cvd; Most will get new leaders, as people will no longer tolerate all the lying & deception that has been fed to them. More uprisings like the ones in Brazil & in China will erupt all over the world because of the nefarious plans of the wicked.

There will be much bloodshed all over the earth, because of these things as well as deaths from the actual injections. But natural remedies are being disclosed daily to help those who can afford them.

The various news media, who have been paid to protect their agenda, gradually one by one will repent, or disappear. People, incensed by the truth, coming out, will take action in their own hands because justice will not come in all situations because of FM ties. So people frustrated with all the lying will be frustrated to the point of vigilante justice.

The wicked will also revolt against changes I bring & try to attack My beloveds. Goshens are being prepared for some.

Harbors around the world will experience unusual disturbances. This, too will be in the news. The government will Seemingly be undisturbed by these occurrences. 

Signs in Antarctica will escalate & erupt to reveal hidden plans of wickedness. Fear NOT for I will bring my judgment on these wicked plans! For I have seen all they have been doing. The WAVES will ROAR & men will fear, but I will be exalted in the earth!

Midwest eruptions will devastate the bread basket of America. GMO crops will also fail from changes I bring in the weather.

For your hearts will ache for the hardship & starvation you will see, & other judgments I bring to the wicked In the USA & all over the earth.

At the same time, you will see miraculous provision & rescues of life through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The tsunami of my LOVE will rescue the elect & bring transformation all over these not so united, United States of America. There will be “safer” & unsafe areas. Bigger cities due to lack & finances will be difficult areas to survive in.
But wherever my spirit is poured out in abundance, there will be salvation spiritually & physically.
The Holy Spirit will hover over areas & cities, & pour out His Spirit upon all who will come to Him.

Miracles will escalate more & more, as more & more coming to the Lord will put a demand on God’s MERCY & LOVE.  
So much of the earth has been devastated by deluded human overlords but you will see RESTORATION COME THROUGH YOUR PRAYERS, DECREES & COMMANDS!!! The DEAD WILL BE RAISED TO LIFE & HEALED. Even little children will raise the dead as you train them, in the ways of the Lord!!!
